How to care for Kitten, The kittens box should be in a place protected from drafts


Many people enjoyed the post about how to care for babies kittens (see HERE), so I decided to make another post like that with a few more tips, after all, tips are never enough. But do not forget: NO CHANGE SHOULD INTERNET TIP VETERINARY MEDICAL, his presence is critical to the survival and health of any animal.
According to the veterinary of the Special Secretariat of Animal Rights - SILK, Adriana Lopes, there are alternative techniques to replace the mother's presence, offering replacer feeding to calves less than 30 days.
Dr. Rejane Melki, before becoming a veterinarian and at the time also had to improvise. She says that when someone finds a kitten puppy the first thing to do is take it to a veterinarian as soon as possible. He will examine you, see your health status, calculate your age and advise you about the care, vaccines, etc.

If you notice that the kitten is very dehydrated, does not respond to stimuli, weakened by not eating for a long time, you can give Pedialyte unflavored, which buy in any pharmacy, or spend corn syrup (Karo) on your gums to raise the level of blood sugar. With this you will gain precious time to make it to the nearest veterinarian.
If you already have other cats at home, the kitten should be quarantined. This will prevent it to pass, if you, a disease for existing cats.

The separation also prevent accidents, since it is small and helpless. The elders can consider it a threat, a stranger who invaded their territory. a time of slow and gradual exposure under supervision is necessary to get used to each other.

Provide a strong cardboard box. If in times of cold, line well newspaper, old but fluffy towels, old blankets, etc. to let it warm. This is very important. The cold can kill a puppy soon. If the place where you live is very cold, some type of heating is required, as a hot water bottle placed under towels. But please CARE, it is not to bake small but warm them. Beware of the temperature. Excessive heat can also be fatal.

The kittens box should be in a place protected from drafts, calm and with little fuss. You can put a towel over the box, leaving, of course, an opening for the passage and renewal of air. The towel will keep the warm and the dark box, helping the little ones to sleep.
If you have a pet plush or cotton, washable, you can put it in the box. So they will have the feeling of being with his mother and will be quieter.

Look for a good Pet Shop for milk powder in particular for cats and bottle. In case of emergency, to be able to buy the necessary, you can improvise with dropper or small bottles for babies (chucas) take tea or medicine. Use milk for babies, as Nanon or cow's milk, but this in no time, as these types of milk cause diarrhea.
If where you are there is no milk for kittens, you can use a special recipe of suscedâneo:

  • 1 liter of milk Full
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream soup
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 pinch of salt

Preparation: Beat the egg yolks, add the milk and put to boil.
When boiling, place the remaining ingredients. Let cool.

SILK released this other revenue, which consisted in the information of October 05, used by the team of veterinary and can be used for dogs and cats puppies:

Revenue - Option 1

  • Whole milk 200ml
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1colher of cream soup
  • 1 tablespoon of honey

Method of preparation

Boil the milk with the egg yolk. When warm, add the cream and honey. After mixing the ingredients, put in a specific bottle for puppies. "It is very important to use the bottle to prevent the milk from the trachea instead of the esophagus," says Adriana. The milk should be offered every two hours.

Revenue -option 2

  • 1 liter of whole milk
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tablespoon cream soup
  • 1pitada salt
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 Colorless Gelatin sheet
  • 1 tablespoon Calcigenol
  • Method of preparation
  • Beat everything in a blender and keep in the refrigerator. Before offering the puppy, heat in a water bath.

Dr.. Adriana Lopes also recommends stimulate urine and faeces the animal with the use of a moistened cotton in warm water, which simulates the mother tongue. More: for the puppy's metabolism works well, it is indicated keep you warm. "This phase requires a little more of the guardians of animals, but it is gratifying to see them opening their eyes and growing healthy. What we receive in the future is the unconditional love they give us, "concludes the veterinary.

Many have probably heard of the Dog Green site, a reference in natural animal nutrition. In this site there is a very good recipe substitute for milk Kitten (and puppies also rsrrss), according to the site, it is very similar to the cat's milk:

  • 2 cups of whole milk (preferably goat's milk)
  • 2 large eggs
  • 5 protein powder teaspoons (from animal sources)
  • 1/8 teaspoon Egg shell powder tea
  • 2 or 3 drops of lemon juice
  • The equivalent dose of one or two days of complex vitamin for an adult cat, powder or tablet, but minced
  • 100 mg of taurine supplementation (if already present in the complex vitamin for cats need not)

Makes 3 cups.


Mix the ingredients well. Heat the mixture to body temperature and offer using doll bottle, dropper, syringe or bottle to own puppies. It is important that the milk is offered always heated. To this place the bottle in a pan with warm water (not too hot). But beware: precisarficar at body temperature, otherwise the milk will cause burns on the little mouth and esophagus puppy. To prevent accidents, do not use the microwave to heat formula. Before offering a few drops on the inside of your wrist or Recalibrate the temperature using a thermometer. The formula should be 38 degrees Fahrenheit.


If you can not buy whole goat milk, try to opt for milk Integral cow, not subjected to the UHT processing - such as brands Xandó or farm milk. Options are more "pure" and nutritious, with a better protein profile to carnivores needs as dogs and cats.
The protein powder is an optional that, as the name explains, increased protein levels formula. Choose a product to albumin-based, unflavored, composed of 80% of animal protein. soy similar products are not suitable for puppies. The protein powder supplements can be purchased in stores for athletes.
The lemon drops are also optional, but it helps to acidify the formula which enhances the absorption of calcium from egg shell powder in the intestine of the chick.
If you prefer to opt for a different source of calcium, such as gluconate or calcium lactate, consult a veterinary surgeon to determine the amount to be offered. No calcium supplement without proper knowledge. Excess calcium does more harm than a slight deficiency in this mineral. Remember also that calcium perhaps present in vitamin-mineral complex for dogs and cats generally do not contain this mineral in sufficient quantity.

How to offer:

Give each kitten just enough to slightly increase the abdomen without slacken it. Be careful not to get carried away. Stop "feeding" before the kitten lose interest, or it will consume too much. The important thing is not the volume offered at each feeding, but the regularity of supply.
After each "meal", you must have some important care. Place the puppy to "burp", as is done with human babies. This tip is the Camilli Chamone, creator of French Bulldogs. gently massage the belly of the puppy to stimulate intestinal transit. With a clean cotton cloth soaked in warm water, gently rub the genital and anal area. With that you imitate the cat mom, licking these regions to stimulate urination and defecation in kittens. When the pup complete three weeks of life, you can begin to add some cooked oatmeal or a liver little, kidney or heart ground to the formula. From the 4th to 6th week promotes weaning. With six weeks of life, kittens are already eating everything in the bowl!


A challenge regarding food artificially orphan kittens and puppies is diarrhea that can result from supply of unbalanced formulas or excessive supply of formula. Until you get some experience, be very careful not to offer too much. If diarrhea occurs, seek veterinary. You may need to provide fluid electrolyte replacement orally.
Here is a herbal formula useful for treating diarrhea in brand new puppies. Prepare a camomile tea: add 470ml boiling water to 2 tablespoons dried chamomile herb tea (the "truth," not the teabag). Let infuse for 10 minutes, strain and add ½ teaspoon of sea salt tea. Take a dose - the equivalent of a feed a few minutes - three times daily. Between each dose, administer the oral electrolyte solution, according to the recommendation of the veterinarian.


Constipation is another problem that can occur. Usually results from insufficient supply of little formula or stimulation for defecation after feedings - a task for you. When they get constipated, puppies and kittens have bulging bellies and become apathetic. They can move away from the nest and become cold to the touch. It is a sign that they are not well. A no side effects treatment option is with the homeopathic remedy Nux Vomica in 6CH or 30CH power. A single dose is usually enough. It can dissolve homeopathic globules (the balls) in a bit of filtered water and drip a few drops on the little mouth of the puppy. If your puppy or kitten continue constipated, call the veterinarian.

And the Cats Alley of precious tips continue: Give the bottle so small puppies can be a challenge. But be calm and patient. It's all a matter of time, practice and suitability for both parties.
The important thing is that the puppy feel encouraged to breastfeed. At the beginning it will not be easy, since he will not recognize that rubber thing the teats of his mother. But hunger and survival instinct always speak louder. So it does not give up sucking the nipple, the hole size is very important. If it is too small it will tire soon and give up breastfeeding. But it can not be so great that he chokes.

If the kitten refuses to suckle, try changing the position of the bottle, the nozzle in the mouth change the kitten position to discover the way that gives more certain. My Sweety only nursed on her back, in any other position she refused to nurse.

If after all, he continues to refuse, seek the help of a veterinarian.

Stay tuned to the amount the kitten breast and lose weight. They should breastfeed at regular intervals, which will spacing as they grow. With 4 weeks of weaning time, they suck only 2 times a day, since eat porridge beyond the bottle.
With three weeks you can start the weaning process. It is usually not difficult and small like to try new flavors. Add the milk, a little baby soup, beat in a blender.

This soup is made with assorted vegetables, white meat chicken, a cereal (rice, oats, or other), a little salt. Let cook well and then cold hit in a blender until smooth. Offer warm.
With four weeks to offer little soup in a saucer, in small quantities. They will get dirty, but are learning to eat alone, and that's great for you!
After the party, wipe them with a damp cloth in warm water, dry them well so they do not feel cold.
Another important point is the hygiene. You certainly will not like but will have to replace the mother in this task as well. When very small kittens only excrete and urinate when stimulated by the mother licks when this lava after feedings. Calm down, you do not have to lick them! A cotton soaked in a little warm filtered water already does the job. Enjoy clean them milk waste, feces and urine, so that the place where they sleep and spend all their time is always pretty clean. regularly change towels, newspapers, etc.
To open their eyes, around 10 days, the kittens usually produce very little stool. But if they do nothing for more than two days, seek veterinary help.
3 weeks old, you can do little to the first presentation to a litter box. Use a small, small box, put a little grainy health and let explore the box. If you can put a little bit of "needs" in the box, this will help in learning. The instinct to bury in the sand is natural and need not be taught.
The 2 to 7 weeks is very important for socializing. The positive contact with different human at this stage will cause the cat grow friendly.

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